Core Expectations

The following directives, known as the “Core Expectations,” represent basic beliefs of Pioneer Preparatory School: A Challenge Foundation Academy, which all students are expected to follow. These rules apply at all times that the school is responsible for the students, including any off-site, school-sponsored functions such as field trips, sporting events, and overnight retreats.

  1. Listen to and follow the directions of the teachers and staff
  2. Do your best, work hard, and strive to achieve
  3. Cooperate and help others
  4. Treat yourself and others with respect
  5. Respect the property and rights of others
  6. Do not disrupt the educational process
  7. Be honest in word and deed
  8. Be responsible for your actions and for what you need to do

Each of the Core Expectations promotes the TeamCFA Core Values—responsibility, respect, independence, and integrity.

Student Discipline

Pioneer Preparatory School student discipline policies and guidelines are executed in accordance with the Arizona Code. Copies of the Code are available in the front office.