E-Backpack for Students

Each Student has a free school account on Compass Learning Odyssey that can be used anywhere you can access the internet. This is a school-wide program that is academic, sequenced, and scored in order to provide increasingly challenging material as your child progresses. There is both a math and a reading portion of the Odyssey programs.

Follow these steps to help your child log-in to Odyssey:

  1. Click here to open Odyssey
  2. Enter your child’s username (Lunch ID#)
  3. Enter Password (ppslions) all lowercase
  4. Select School (ppa), please be sure to erase the default school (Odyssey) and type in ppa *all lowercase*.
    You will now be in Odyssey. The screen should show different subject icons depending on grade level. Your child chooses either one and clicks into the programs.